Please contact Jose Sosa (Director of Religious Education) with any questions or for more information.
Jose Sosa
Director of Religious Education
RE Office (520) 788-6256 | Cell (520) 450-9757 |
Click below for announcements and updates for the St Anthony of Padua Youth Ministry, and updates for all youth ministry events from the Diocese of Tucson and surrounding areas:
Confirmation is the last of the initiation sacraments, and it opens up a conversation with the young person about living their baptism. What this means is the young person who was baptized is now entering into an adult faith process. In receiving confirmation we are accepting our baptism and living our faith, which is nurtured and developed in the parish community. At the same time we also are called by our baptism and the confirmation of our baptism to live this faith out in the world.
The sessions for this sacramental preparation happen in the spring and families attend together, usually a parent and the child seeking the sacrament of confirmation. Since the church recognizes the Parent(s) as the primary faith educators of their children, the parish supports this key idea by offering family sacramental sessions.
What an opportunity to journey with your child as they open up the gift of these life changing sacraments.
Who can be confirmed:
- Any youth who has received the sacraments of Baptism and Communion
- They are at least in 8th grade
- They are involved in the parish religious education program- 8th grade- or our Youth Ministry program
- they are practicing their faith: attending mass, praying at home and on the go, inspired by their parents, witness of faith as well
Confirmation Sponsor
To be a Sponsor for Confirmation, a Candidate must:
- Be a fully initiated Catholic; has received Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist
- If married, has been married in the Catholic Church
- Must be 16 years of age
- Be a witness to the faith and someone who will walk with the confirmandi’s faith journey during and after the sacramental celebration
The Cost for this sacrament is $25 and can be paid when you register your child for the Religious Education program.
Please look for the confirmation calendar when you register your child for Religious Education.