The most important action we undertake in our parish is liturgy. Liturgy is a Greek word that means, “public work”. The Mass is the most important liturgical activity we engage in at St. Anthony of Padua. It is at the root of every social work, educational activity, celebration, and endeavor in our community life. It centers our families, work and personal life in the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
God does not need our worship. We worship God because we need to worship that which is ultimate in our life. The most important Love in our life forms how we love everything else in our life. If material things are the center of our life, everything else takes second place. If God is the center, our love for family, friends and creation is transformed and, in turn, transforms all of our loves. The Love of God roots each Christian in reality. The Love of God forms how it is that we love one another. It is the Love of God that inspires us both in good times and in bad.
The Mass participates in the Love of God revealed in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, God’s Sacred Word. To celebrate the Mass we first engage in public penance for our sins and those of the world. We then listen to the Word of God recounted in Sacred Scripture. We profess our communal faith and join together in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is our participation in both the meal Our Savior sets for us and in his sacrifice on the Cross.
Each of the parish ministries that help us celebrate Mass is related to the true worship of our greatest love, the Holy Trinity. Would you like to participate actively in this worship? You do so by coming to Mass each Sunday. While there, you can also choose to help in a special ministry.