Please contact Jose Sosa (Director of Religious Education) with any questions or for more information.
Jose Sosa
Director of Religious Education
RE Office (520) 788-6256 | Cell (520) 450-9757 |
The sacrament of First Communion is tied with Reconciliation and also shares similar requirements. The young person seeking the sacrament must be involved with the following:
- Participating in the Parish religious education program
- Must be at least 7 years old
- Parents have the responsibility to participate in their own catechetical formation so that they will be able to prepare their child for these sacraments in collaboration with the parish community
1st Holy Communion is not only about Jesus as we remember his story but also the future of our own lives. In receiving Jesus, we move through this ritual every Sunday to become more like him in our world.
“This do in remembrance of me.” With these words ringing in our ears, we regularly celebrate communion. As we drink his blood and eat his body, we not only reflect on Christ’s sacrifice, but we are saying yes to Christ within the community of believers who together move out to be the body and blood for our world. Yet communion is more than a memorial. Our continued participation in this powerfully symbolic ceremony molds our thinking and brings to life deeply spiritual truths in very concrete ways. It shapes our identity as a people of God and provides the truly blessed assurance that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. The “message” of communion is important and deserves our full attention.
The family sessions for this sacramental preparation happen in the spring and families attend together, usually a parent and the child seeking the sacrament of 1st Holy Communion. Since the church recognizes the Parent(s) as the primary faith educators of their children, the parish supports this key idea by offering family sacramental sessions. What an opportunity to journey with your child as they open up the gift of these life changing sacraments.
You can register your child when you register them for our religious Education program.
Please check and look for the 1st Holy Communion calendar as you register your child for this program.