DAUGHTERS OF SAINT ANTHONY COURT 2651 NEEDS YOU! We need you, because God needs you! And YOU need CDA! Catholic Daughters of America is a national Catholic organization dedicated to prayer, good works and the helping of others less fortunate. You will make new and dear friends and have fun while enriching your life and others. Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of each month from September to June. We begin with a Rosary at 5:30pm and our meeting begins at 6:00pm. Our next meeting is September 12, 2022. Our Court looks forward to meeting you! We want YOU! God wants YOU!
For more information contact:
Carolann DiMuzio, Regent
520-560-7788 or
THE ST. ANTHONY’S JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA ST. RITA COURT encourages all girls in the parish between the ages of 6 and 17 to join the court. Participate in prayer, ministry projects and fellowship. Contact Mayo Herrara for more information at mdgherrera_1@hotmail.com